The Insurance School Color Blob

Our Florida Department of Financial Services (D.F.S.) Authorized Instructors are here to help you make Insurance Pre-Licensing Easy.

Our Goal is to help you pass the Florida State Exam On Your FIRST TRY!

SHOW ME what is Included in my NEW Insurance Licensing Course

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The Insurance School .com

Florida Department Of Financial Services Authorized

#iFastAgent |

From Start To Finish in Under 30 Days!

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LIVE Class Schedule

If You Miss the Live Class, Catch the Next One On Demand

#iMostWanted |

The Tools You'll Need to SUCEED

AUTHORIZED Insurance Broker in Florida is...

N.A.I.F.A. | National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors

The OFFICIAL Florida
Pre-Licensing Manual

2-15 Health & Life Insurance Including Annuities & Variable Contracts

The OFFICIAL Florida

Insurance Licensing Textbook

Written by the National Association of Insurance Financial Advisors

$80.00 Value

WHY is the OFFICIAL Pre-Licensing Manual IMPORTANT to Your IMMEDIATE Success?

Our LIVE Instructor Support is what makes this Pre-Licensing course so STUDENT FRIENDLY.

The problem with trying to read and retain information from a textbook is, they’re usually delivering content that feels like a mouthful of dust.

The N.A.I.F.A. State Manual doesn’t hand out warm fuzzy feelings either. We refer it BECAUSE, it's the BEST Florida Pre-Licensing Roadmap Money Can Buy! What we mean is, this 36th Edition textbook reflects EXACTLY what the Florida Chief Financial Officer and his Department of Financial Services think is important to test.

N.A.I.F.A. as an Association is comprised of a bunch of insurance experts, regulators, and financial advisors. They’re GREAT at suggesting insurance and banking guidelines.

The problem with allowing “experts” to write a textbook is, they tend to get a little carried away.

EVERYTHING… I mean EVERYTHING you could possibly need to know to pass on your 1st try is CRAMMED into these 605-pages.

Do you know what they forgot to add? STORIES!

Our Live Instructors Handle Those

Pre-Licensing begins with us SIMPLIFYING the N.A.I.F.A. State Exam Manual.

At this stage, we’re NOT Studying. We’re simply eliminating the fluff and HIGHLIGHTING what we'll need.

When we’re done outlining this book, you’ll see the STATE EXAM for what it really is. A vocabulary quiz from a bank of approximately 300 Keywords and Insurance Concepts.

Trying to complete Pre-Licensing without our instructor guiding you through 600+ pages of WORDS – WORDS – WORDS is know to create frequent boredom induced comas.

OFFICIAL Pre-Licensing NON-SENSE in just a few classes.

If you take our word for it and believe we know how to highlight a textbook, keep scrolling.

We’ve got MORE for you



NEVER Hunt A Passing Grade Alone!

Think of the Official N.A.I.F.A. State Pre-Licensing Manual and 100% SELF-STUDY courses as a GIGANTIC connect the dots books. When you first flip through, all you’ll see is dots. The actual pictures are impossible to identify.

  • 60-Hrs. | 2-15 Health & Life Insurance with Annuities and Variable Contracts.

40-Hrs. | 2-40 Health Insurance License

30-Hrs. | 2-14 Life Insurance with Annuities and Variable Contracts.

       The first 10 to 15-Hours of our Insurance Pre-Licensing classes is nothing more than IDENTIFYING tested keywords and concepts - VOCABULARY.  By the end of Day One, you’ve already started shedding the FEARS you walked into this with. After two or three sessions with our instructors, you’re CONFIDENT and scheduling your state exam.

Private Classes With a Personal Vibe

#TheInsuranceSchool | "The Best Licensing Experience EVER!"


After redesigning your textbook with highlights and notes, we’re READY to start CONNECTING THE DOTS! Here is where our instructors TRANSFORM Static N.A.I.F.A. definitions into EASY to absorb STORIES that Stick!

*Introducing Guest Speakers
Helps bring it ALL TOGETHER!

The GOAL is to Pass your 
State Exam on the FIRST Try!

Our LIVE Quiz Reviews are P R I C E L E S S !


iPower Moves Podcast

i = Independent | Insurance Power Moves 

LIVE Class Replays, Guest Breakouts Appearances & Quiz Reviews ON DEMAND!

     Our On Demand  Pre-licensing Class Replays Are JUST LIKE our Live Class Segments. The only difference is we added Special Effects and give you the ability to go back in time.


Even Our Self Study Sections Come in Video Format

If it's Relevant to You Passing the Florida State Health, Life Insurance & Annuities Exam...

#iPowerMoves | ON DEMAND!

#TheInsuranceSchool | This is how WE FINISH STRONG!

Quizzes, Practice State Exams &
Our PRIVATE Friday Weekly Review

How do you eat an elephant?
One Bite at a time.

On Mondays and Tuesdays, we're simply identifying tested topics. At this stage, WE ARE NOT STUDYING. We're getting familiar with insurance industry topics. When you leave the VIRTUAL Classroom, you'll be armed with QUIZZES.

Wednesday and Thursday is for HOMEWORK.

Instead of some "Textbook" type Homework Assignment from a BOOK... We provide students with a series of end of section PRACTICE Quizzes.

  • Part of "Preparing" for the Florida Insurance Agent Exam is being mentally prepared.

The 2-15 Health and Life Insurance exam requires you to answer 165-Questions in under 2-Hours and 45-Minutes. Your instructors will teach you how to QUICKLY ELIMINATE Non-Sense multiple choice options.

On FRIDAYS, we review the Mid-Week Quizzes TOGETHER.

This isn't High School... We aren't grading these quizzes and section exams. We DO NOT want you to study for these mid-week Quizzes. These HOMEWORK assignments are designed to help IDENTIFY the Keywords and Concepts YOU UNDERSTAND

The WEEKEND Section Exams

(We don't grade this HOMEWORK either.) 

The Health, Life Insurance and Annuity licensing course is 60-Hours.  We're going to have PLENTY of time to learn the 300 Keywords and concepts the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS) is testing us on.

Time yourself doing the Mid-Week quizzes. We want you comfortable sitting for a 165 question 2-Hour & 45-Minute State Exam designed to make you cry.


Can you BELIEVE, we DON'T --> DO NOT WANT OUR PRIVATE #iFastAgent Students studying for the End-of-Class FINAL!? All of our Exams are designed to help IDENTIFY the Keywords and Concepts YOU UNDERSTAND!

If you want to PASS the State Exam on your 1st try, you want to score in the 90's on our final. Regardless of your score, we're not done yet. Our students named these Last 2-Days, THE STATE EXAM CRAM!

#iFlash4U | Health Insurance, Medicare & Life Insurance

Florida State Exam Cram

This is your Pre-Licensing FINAL Review!


During these last 2-Days together, we review EVERYTHING the Official N.A.I.F.A Pre-Licensing Manual identifies as TESTED!

With #TheInsuranceSchool Experts On YOUR Side, YOU WILL find the answers they're trying to hide from you.

HOW MUCH does it cost to attend the
BEST PRIVATE Insurance Pre-Licensing
Class in the State of Florida?


What's Included~

OFFICIAL State Pre-Licensing Manual 

Mobile Online Learning Platform & Unlimted Practice Quizzes

iPower Moves ON DEMAND
LIVE Class Replays

LIVE State Exam Cram Sessions

LIVE Instructor Led Classes 


Value Stack






Total  $1,379.00 



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iPower Moves Podcast LIVE Florida, Insurance Licensing Class

LIVE Class Schedule

2-40 Health Insurance

2-14 Life Insurance & Annuity

2-15 Health Life Insurance w/ Annuity

LIVE Class Schedule

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    #TheInsuranceSchool  |  Never Hunt a Passing Grade Alone
